Sunday, April 10, 9:00AM and 11:00AM — IN PERSON & ONLINE
Worship in person or online as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We will be led by our House Band and our children will participate in a Palm Parade and will also lead us in song.
The Abide Men’s Fellowship is sponsoring a SUNDAY BRUNCH after both services on Palm Sunday, April 10. They are so excited to give us the chance to share a meal and fellowship. There is no cost for the brunch and reservations are not necessary.
Also, on Palm Sunday, our Confirmation class is sponsoring a BAKE SALE where all of the proceeds will go to fund their Kingdom Projects that will support various nonprofits in the metro area.
Thursday, April 14, 7:00PM — IN PERSON & ONLINE
This powerful evening service is a very meaningful night of hymn sing and communion as we commemorate Jesus’ last meal with his disciples.
Friday, April 15, 12:00PM — IN PERSON & ONLINE
Join us in person or online for an impactful Good Friday worship service remembering Jesus’ final day. This is a service of deep reflection.
Friday, April 15, 7:00PM — IN PERSON & ONLINE
Don’t miss this live event where poets and musicians muse on Christ’s last words. Unique, poignant, and compelling, the 7 Last Words Poetry Slam offers insights into Christ’s humanity and divinity in his final moments.
Sunday, April 17, 9:00AM and 11:00AM — IN PERSON & ONLINE
Easter Sunday is finally here! Celebrate the resurrection of Christ with us. This is the day where we say, “God’s not dead!” We remember that the movement of peace, justice, kindness, and inclusion is alive and well.