
“I need you mommy,” she says as she extends her delicate arms out reaching for me. I sweep her up and embrace her tightly. I never want to let go. I want her to always need me, to always love me- exactly as she does in this very moment.

But within seconds, she breaks free from my grasp and quickly runs away. “Come back here!” I call after her, “I need you!” She giggles and continues to run. “I need you!” I say again.

I need them as much as they need me. I crave the desire to be loved and wanted by them. To be everything to them as they are to me. To be their provider and their protector. To wipe their tears and kiss their boo boos. To hold them, hug them, squeeze them, and smother them in kisses. To sing to them, and with them, and to dance irrationally. Yet, most importantly, I want to raise them knowing how much I love them, how much daddy loves them and how much God loves them.

God has blessed me with the absolute greatest gift … the gift of being a mother to two beautiful babies.

Seeing my babies, loving my babies, and needing my babies, reminds me that even as this chaotic world spins around me, I have purpose here on Earth. God has given me purpose.

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