I am Proud of You

Dear Friends,

Let me just say that I am proud of you.

This weekend will be the 26th week that we haven’t gathered together in the building for worship. Isn’t that wild!

I remember thinking this would be over by Easter. And then by summer. And here it is Labor Day weekend.

So let me just say it again – I am proud of you.

You are keeping the faith.
You are running this race with bravery and grace.

You have continued to support your church through your prayers, your gifts, and your service. God is surely with us on this journey, and even though the building is closed, because of your faithfulness, our church is very alive.

I want to take a moment to highlight some important happenings in the life of the church.

Virtual Communion this Sunday

This Sunday, September 6, we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion in our online worship. We will end the service with The Great Thanksgiving, the prayer service that brings us to Christ’s table. Although we will be physically separate, we will be connected in the Spirit. In order to participate, you will need some bread to break and a cup to drink. It doesn’t matter what kind of bread you bring and simply fill your cup with juice, wine, or water. We will be together in this powerful reminder of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

Wednesday Night Livestream (WNL)

I want to invite you to tune in this Wednesday, September 9, at 7:00 pm for our brand new monthly video magazine, Wednesday Night Livestream. (Think of it as a cross between Good Morning America and The Daily Show.) This month WNL will unveil our fall program, bring updates on mission, and catch up on who in our community has been in need of special prayers. I will also do a special segment on the slogans that didn’t make our latest church lawn sign. This is another way to stay up to date on what is happening with your church. You can connect to WNL by going to our website at www.rofum.org on Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

Small Church: Sundays at Sundown

Next Sunday, September 13, at 6:00 pm, we will continue our Small Church gatherings. We are expanding the participation to 50 persons. The evening service of simple music, prayer, and reflection will be held on the front lawn with socially distanced seating and masks required. Click here to sign up or call Danielle Moody in the church office at 248-541-4100 ext. 1315.

I am proud of you!

Proud of your faithful endurance.

And now, I am proud of your courageous innovation.

Make no mistake that God is with us on our journey and that together we are making a difference.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff

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