Reported All Over the World

Dear Friends,

This week I was reading Paul’s letter to the Romans. It is a book of dense and deep theology and yet, at the same time, it is a letter of tender and sincere pastoral care. In the opening, Paul wrote these beautiful lines to his friends,

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.”

I could have written those words about you. I am so proud to be a part of the movement here at Royal Oak First.

Your faith inspires me. Your care of each other, for the hungry and for our mission partners is what makes Christ’s love real. We received an email from our partners in Lithuania showing us how the money collected through our loose-change offerings is helping to renovate the former communist deportation center into a vibrant church and community center and a note from The African Children’s Choir thanking you for the $4,200 offering you gave to them last week. This is a reminder how your faithfulness is being “reported all over the world.” The Holy Spirit is working through you in truly amazing ways!

This week we start our Generosity Season. In a couple of weeks, each of us will make a pledge to next year’s mission and ministry budget. Most of my colleagues hate this time of year, fearing that they have to “twist arms” in order to keep their doors open and their lights on. That has just never been our experience. Because of your faith, I look forward to this time every year. You always rise to the occasion God puts in front of us.

I am eager to see the miracles continue to unfold again this year.

Thank you for your faithfulness.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff's Signature

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