Holy Week is here!

Dear Friends,

It’s here! It’s Holy Week!

This is the week where the story that sits at the center of our faith comes to life. This story will take us to different places.

We will wave palms in streets crowded with parade watchers.
We will sit together in the quiet intimacy of an upper room.
We will pray in the midnight hours of the garden.
We will stand in utter shock and awe in front of a hill of crosses, only to arrive at the doorway of an empty tomb a week from today.

This week will bring the full range of emotions.

We will experience joy, excitement, confusion, love, forgiveness, doubt, fear, anger, horror, sadness, despair, wonder, and hope.

It is a week full of experiences you won’t want to miss.

Thursday, April 18
Thursday evening at 7:00, we will turn the sanctuary into the Upper Room and have a powerful night of singing and sharing communion together.

Friday, April 19
Friday at noon, we will come to witness the tragedy of the cross.
Friday evening at 7:00, you will want to come and experience The 7 Last Words night of poetry and music. This is a truly unique service and a great offering for the broader community.

Easter Weekend
Saturday at 4:00 pm will offer a meaningful and casual Easter experience.
Sunday morning at 7:00 am we will rise and shine with a service on the front lawn. Then, at 9:00 and 11:00, we will go big with an Easter Morning celebration of great music and inspiring preaching.

Please come and join us this week—it won’t be the same without you.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff's Signature

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