Fall Kickoff!

Dear Friends,

This Sunday has typically been our Fall Kickoff.  Fall Kickoff has been a day when weekend worship was packed, Sunday School and Youth Group are in full swing, and our fall programming is unveiled. The day would often culminate with lots of food, fun, and friendship.

Things are definitely different this year, but I am grateful to announce that thanks to the dedication and innovation of our leadership and staff, Royal Oak First will continue to connect, grow, and serve. So, as we have in years past, let me announce the highlights of our fall program.


Online Worship:  This will continue to be the core of our connection.  Each week we seek to bring you uplifting music, thoughtful messaging, and timely announcements about the happenings here at Royal Oak First.

Small Church Gatherings:  Beginning this Sunday through October 4, we will gather on the church lawn for an evening prayer and vespers service.  These services will begin at 6:00 pm and last around an hour. This is a great way to connect with some of your church family.  Click here to reserve your spot.

Zoom Prayer Room:  On the last Tuesday of each month at both 10:00 am and 7:00 pm, we will gather online for prayer and support.  This is another great way to connect with each other as we pray for one another, our church family, and our world.  Click here to sign up.

Weekly Prayer Concerns:  Praying is one of the greatest gifts we can offer each other.  Beginning the week of October 4, we will email a weekly list of the people and other prayer concerns that we are asking the congregation to hold in prayer.  If you are interested in receiving this update, click here to subscribe. Also, if you have a prayer concern you would like added to the list, please email Danielle Moody at dmoody@rofum.org.

Caring Calls:  Keeping our folks connected and cared for is central to who we are.  We are looking for people who are willing to call 3 to 5 of our members a month to check in and offer care and support.  If you are willing to be a part of our calling team, please email Danielle Moody at dmoody@rofum.org.  We will provide training and monthly support for our callers.


Beginning in October, we will offer several opportunities for you to take a class.  These classes will cover a wide range of topics, meet a variety of times and offer in both person and virtual options.  An email will come out early next week with a link to group descriptions and sign-ups.


Sock it to Me September: Once again, we will be supporting our partners at the NOAH Project, one of Detroit’s leading homeless relief organizations, and our own bag lunch program by collecting socks in September.  Please help us care for our brothers and sisters by buying a pack or two of socks.   You can drop them off during our lunch program, Monday through Friday, 10:30 am – 11:30 am, at our Sunday evening small church gatherings or on Saturday, September 29, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.  You can also make a monetary donation on our website, and we will be happy to buy the socks for you.

Children, Youth, and Family Ministries:

Sunday School To Go, Youth Group, and Holy COW (mid-week for elementary-aged kids) all start back up this month! We look forward to gathering safely outside. If you need more details on these calendars, please contact Bridget Nelson at bnelson@rofum.org.

As you can see, even in these interesting times, our church is continuing our mission of making Christ’s love real.  In order to best help you connect with our fall program, we have revamped the front page of our website to be the one-stop-shop on the latest programming.  Go to www.rofum.org and look to the banner scrolling across the top, and you will find the information you are looking for.  If you are stuck, please call or email the church office, and our team will be able to assist you.

Welcome back!  It will be a different season, but we believe that God will lead us through.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff

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