Dark Makes Light

Dear Friends,

If you drive north on I-75 then go west for a bit to Mackinaw City, you will find a park known around the world as one of the darkest places on the earth. Seriously, the Headlands International Dark Sky Park is one of ten places in the world designated as a “dark park” because it is virtually free from light pollution. Why is that important? In this dark park, you will see the heavens like you have never seen them before. When you go to the park, you stumble along a dark path and “feel” your way to benches where you can sit back, look up and be amazed by the stars.

The darker the night, the brighter the light.

This week, as we focus on the Angels, I am drawn to the fact that they chose the darkest part of the world to come and bring the brightest light. The Angels came to the shepherds who were out in the fields far away from the lights of the city, far away from the warmth of society.

This weekend, we continue down the sacred road of Advent and focus in on the Angels who bring “good news and great joy for all people”. We’ll be lighting the candle of peace this week. Come and find both the peace and the joy of the season.

Grace and Peace at Advent,

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