4,000 Sandwiches

Dear Friends,

One of the things we take very seriously around here is making sure hungry people get fed. It has been a long-standing commitment of Royal Oak First, going back over 25 years. The story of our daily lunch program is the stuff of legend.

It began with a knock on the door. A man who was hungry came to church looking for something to eat. At the time we didn’t have a program so it would have been easy to just say we are sorry and send him on his way. But here is where the miracle happened. One of the folks working in the office gave the lunch they had packed for the day away to that hungry man. And from there a ministry began. This led to sandwiches being made and left in the fridge so the next person who knocked on the door would have lunch. Today we serve lunch five days a week, 52 weeks a year to anyone who walks through the door looking for something to eat. In addition, we keep sandwiches in the fridge over the weekend just in case someone is in need of a meal. We serve over 9,000 meals a year from our kitchen! I believe it is the heart and soul of our church.

After worship today, I am inviting you to help us extend our feeding ministry. We are setting out to make 4,000 sandwiches. These sandwiches will be shared with The NOAH Project, The Brightmoor Free Store, The Salvation Army, and our own Lunch Program. Come on downstairs to the Fellowship Hall. We will give you instructions and all the supplies to be successful. Just please come and lend a hand.

4,000 sandwiches. That is a lot. Together we can make Christ’s love real to the hungry folks in our community.

Thank you for sharing your heart.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff's Signature

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